MixDEM components - Writers

Writers are terminated components of graph that writes data to output source. The source can be for example a file placed on local disk, ftp, ldap, scp or database tables, etc.


Component type : XML_WRITER.
XML_WRITER reads data records from any number of input ports and creates structured XML file(s), according to ports mapping definition. Overwrites existing files.

Attribute Description Default
id component node identification
type component type XML_WRITER
url Url of the output XML file. The list of supported protocols can be found in List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers on PHP documentation.
charset Convert character encoding of out file. UTF-8
skiprows specifies how many records/rows should be skipped. 0
maxrows specifies how many records/rows should be read.

<Node id="Create XML file" type="XML_WRITER" 



Component type : JSON_WRITER.
JSON_WRITER reads data records from any number of input ports and creates structured JSON file(s), according to ports mapping definition. Overwrites existing files.

Attribute Description Default
id component node identification
type component type JSON_WRITER
url URL of the output JSON file. The list of supported protocols can be found in List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers on PHP documentation.
charset Convert character encoding of out file. UTF-8
skiprows specifies how many records/rows should be skipped. 0
maxrows specifies how many records/rows should be read.

<Node id="Create JSON file" type="JSON_WRITER" 



Component type : FEED_WRITER.
FEED_WRITER reads data records from any number of input ports and creates structured RSS or ATOM feed file, according to ports mapping definition. Overwrites existing files.

Attribute Description Default
id component node identification
type component type FEED_WRITER
url Url of the output Feed file. The list of supported protocols can be found in List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers on PHP documentation.
syndication feed type ATOM or RSS. ATOM
title chanel title.
link chanel link.
description chanel description.
generator chanel generator. MixDEM Feed Generator
charset chanel charset. UTF-8
image chanel image.
language chanel language.
category chanel category.
copyright chanel copyright.
managingEditor chanel managingEditor.
webMaster chanel webMaster.
pubDate chanel pubDate.
lastBuildDate chanel lastBuildDate.
docs chanel docs.
cloud chanel cloud.
ttl chanel ttl.
rating chanel rating.
textInput chanel textInput.
skipHours chanel skipHours.
skipDay chanel skipDay.
skiprows specifies how many records/rows should be skipped. 0
maxrows specifies how many records/rows should be read.

<Node id="Convert to feed" type="FEED_WRITER" 
    syndication = "atom" 
    url         = "ftp://user:password@example.com/pub/file.txt"     
    title       = "sample feed tilte" 
    link        = "http://example.com/feeds/atom" 
    description = "sample feed description"
    charset     = "UTF-8" 



Component type : CSV_WRITER.
All records from input ports are formatted with delimiter and written to specified file.

id component node identification
type component type CSV_WRITER
url URL of the out CSV file. The list of supported protocols can be found in List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers on PHP documentation.
quoted field can be quoted by ' or " FALSE
delimiter comma that separate values ";"
charset Convert character encoding of the data source. UTF-8
newline newline (also known as a line break or end-of-line / EOL character) is a special character or sequence of characters signifying the end of a line of text. "\n"
skiprows specifies how many records/rows should be skipped from the source file. Good for handling files where first rows is a header not a real data. 0
maxrows specifies how many records/rows should be read from the source.

<Node id="Read CSV file" type="CSV_WRITER" 
    url       = "compress.zlib://ftps://user:password@example.com/pub/file.csv.gz" 
    quoted    = "true" 
    delimiter = ";" 
    charset   = "ISO-8859-15" 
    newline   = "\n" 
    skiprows  = "1" 
    maxrows   = "150" 



Component type : SQL_WRITER.
SQL_WRITER component performs specified DML operation (insert/update/delete) on specified database table.

id component node identification
type component type SQL_WRITER
dsn Database Source Names, more commonly seen as the abbreviation, DSN, are data structures used to describe a connection to a database. This DSN will take the form of adapter://user:password@host:port/database so as to completely specify all parameters of the connection.

The list below explains common dsn parameters recognized by SQL_WRITER:

  • adapter: RDBMS server : ( IBM DB2 'DB2', MySQL 'MYSQL', Microsoft SQL Server 'MSSQL', Oracle 'ORACLE', PostgreSQL 'PGSQL', SQLite 'SQLITE' )
  • user: account identifier for authenticating a connection to the RDBMS server.
  • password: account password credential for authenticating a connection to the RDBMS server.
  • host: a string containing a hostname or IP address of the database server. If the database is running on the same host as the MixDEM, you may use 'localhost' or ''.
  • port: the port parameter allow you to specify the port to which to connects, to match the port configured on the RDBMS server.
  • database: database instance name on the RDBMS server.

adapter if dsn is not given, you can define adapter here. adapter is the RDBMS server : ( IBM DB2 'DB2', MySQL 'MYSQL', Microsoft SQL Server 'MSSQL', Oracle 'ORACLE', PostgreSQL 'PGSQL', SQLite 'SQLITE' )
hostname if dsn is not given, you can define hostname here. hostname is a string containing a hostname or IP address of the database server.
hostport if dsn is not given, you can define hostport here. hostport is the port parameter allow you to specify the port to which to connects, to match the port configured on the RDBMS server.
username if dsn is not given, you can define username here. username is the account identifier for authenticating a connection to the RDBMS server
password if dsn is not given, you can define password here. password is the account password credential for authenticating a connection to the RDBMS server.
methode specified DML operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE OR QUERY) INSERT
table name of the DB table to populate data with.  
sqlQuery allows specification of SQL query/DML statement to be executed against database, if methode is QUERY.  
truncate truncate table before FALSE
skiprows specifies how many records/rows should be skipped. 0
maxrows specifies how many records/rows should be read.

<Node id="Insert into mysql table" type="SQL_WRITER" 
    dsn         = "DB2://user:password@host/dbname" 
    table       = "table_name"
    methode     = "INSERT" 
    truncate    = "FALSE"
    commit      = "100"
    errorAction = "ROLLBACK"
