MixDEM Help - Tag Reference


<Graph> is the root tag for every MixDEM application, must contain all other tags.

Must be contained by :
Can contain : <Element>, <Metadata>, <Property>.
Required attributes :
Attribute Description Default
name The project name.
created date creation
modified date modification
author application author
license application license
access can be public or private. If access is set to private access, the user must sign to use this application through the Web API. public
login If access is private, this will be used as the HTTP Authentication user login
password If access is private, this will be used as the HTTP Authentication user password
render default response format.
node default node to be execute.
offset specifies how many records/rows should be skipped by default
rows specifies how many records/rows should be read by default



<Property>, is a named constant holding information to be supplied later. You access the value of property by its name closed into ${}.

Must be contained by : <Graph>.
Can contain :
Required attributes : name, value
Attribute Description Default
name property name (id)
value property's value NULL



<Element>, Contains elements that make up the graph. These elements are Nodes (perform various simple transformations) and/or Edges (connect Nodes and pass data around). Have no attribute.

Must be contained by : <Graph>.
Can contain : <Node>, <Edge>.
Required attributes :
Attribute Description Default



<Node> (Components), they can read, write or transform data from one form to another, every component has some input or output port(s) or both, component read or write data through them from to another component. Required attributes depends on the type of the used component.

Must be contained by : <Element>.
Can contain : <Attrib>
Required attributes : id, type
Attribute Description Default
type DUMMY the default component, it will do nothing !



<Attrib> (Node attibute), can store an node attibute, this is used only by some components like "FILTER" et "REGEX".

Must be contained by : <Node>.
Can contain :
Required attributes : name
Attribute Description Default
name attrib name (id)



<Edge> represent data flows between two nodes. Edges role is to transmitting data in one direction from an <Node> output port to an other <Node> input port .

Must be contained by : <Element>.
Can contain :
Required attributes : id, from, to, metadata
Attribute Description Default
from The id of source <Node>
to The id of target <Node>
metadata The name of <DataRecord> that describes the semantics of data record transmitted on the edge



<Metadata>, contains DataRecord metadata description used by <Edge>.

Must be contained by : <Graph>.
Can contain : <DataRecord>.
Required attributes :
Attribute Description Default



<DataRecord> that represents metadata describing DataRecord or how to create data record from elementary data types ( string, date, integer, ..).

Must be contained by : <Metadata>.
Can contain : <DataField>.
Required attributes : name
Attribute Description Default
name DataRecord name (id)



<DataField> that represents metadata describing one particular data field.

Must be contained by : <DataRecord>.
Can contain :
Required attributes : name, type
Attribute Description Default
name DataField name (id)
type Indicates the type of filed from elementary data types ( string, date, integer, ..) string
rename If not empty, this will change the name of the field to rename value
format Format of Number, Date, DateTime or empty if not applicable
size Length of the field (in bytes) if the field belongs to fixLength record.
shift Relative shift of the beginning of the field 0
trim Indicates if when reading from file try to trim string value to obtain value FALSE
nullable Fields can or not be NULL. TRUE
default If nullable is FALSE, null will be replaced by default value . NULL
compressed Fields can be compressed FALSE
compression The compression used (bzip2, Zlib, ...) if compressed is TRUE NULL
